Repatriation of pension income from India

Procedure to repatriate pension & information for NRI pensioners

Pensioners who are currently receiving pensions in India and move abroad permanently or acquire foreign citizenship can have their pension sent abroad to them. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) requires that a certificate from a chartered accountant be submitted to the bank to allow repatriation of many types of funds, however NRIs/PIOs who do not have a NRO bank account and have no taxable income in India need not submit a Chartered Accountant’s certificate for remitting their current income like dividend, rent, pension, interest etc. [A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.26 (September 28, 2002)] Pensioner should notify their pension paying bank branch that he/she has become a non-resident. The bank on such notification should convert the pensioner’s resident bank account to a non-resident bank account (NRO). Once a year in the month of November, the pensioner has to furnish the life certificate issued by an authorized official of the Embassy/High Commission of India or Consul of Indian Consulates or a Notary Public or an Officer of an Indian Authorized Bank [for example SBI bank abroad] This is a simple procedure and Indian consulates abroad usually require a short visit by the pensioner to attest this type of document. Depending on the type of pension being received, as per the pensions prescribed scheme other certificates may be required. Check your pension plan to see if any additional certificates are also required. Generally they would be the same documents that a pension in India would also have to periodically submit. [For instance non-employment/re-employment certificate, Re-marriage/Marriage certificate] Pensioners bank branch should credit the amount of pension due every month to the Non-resident Ordinary Account (NRO) of the pensioner. Pension credited to a pensioner’s NRO bank account may be remitted by the bank to pensioner outside India on their instructions. By debit from their NRO bank account or credit to their NRE bank account. In the event a non-resident pensioner acquires foreign citizenship, their entitlement to pension is generally not affected and should continue to receive their pension benefit. [Source:] An excerpt from RBI circular No.26 dated September 28, 2002 is provided below: It is, therefore, clarified that such NRIs/PIOs who do not maintain NRO Account and have no taxable income in India need not submit a Chartered Accountant’s certificate for remitting their current income like dividend, rent, pension, interest etc. In such cases Authorised Dealers may obtain a simple declaration, in duplicate, from the NRIs/PIOs to the effect that he/she is not a tax payer in India. The Authorised Dealer may retain such declaration with them for future reference from Income Tax Authorities, if any.
Disclaimer: Information provided is for general knowledge only and should not be deemed to be professional advice. For professional advice kindly consult a professional accountant, immigration advisor or the Indian consulate. Rules and regulations do change from time to time. Please note that in case of any variation between what has been stated on this website and the relevant Act, Rules, Regulations, Policy Statements etc. the latter shall prevail. © Copyright 2006

NRI - OCI - PIO Guide & Information

Disclaimer: Information provided is for general knowledge only and should not be deemed to be professional advice. For professional advice kindly consult a professional accountant, immigration advisor or the Indian consulate. Rules and regulations do change from time to time. Please note that in case of any variation between what has been stated on this website and the relevant Act, Rules, Regulations, Policy Statements etc. the latter shall prevail. © Copyright 2006
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Repatriation of pension

income from India

Procedure to repatriate pension &

information for NRI pensioners

Pensioners who are currently receiving pensions in India and move abroad permanently or acquire foreign citizenship can have their pension sent abroad to them. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) requires that a certificate from a chartered accountant be submitted to the bank to allow repatriation of many types of funds, however NRIs/PIOs who do not have a NRO bank account and have no taxable income in India need not submit a Chartered Accountant’s certificate for remitting their current income like dividend, rent, pension, interest etc. [A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.26 (September 28, 2002)] Pensioner should notify their pension paying bank branch that he/she has become a non-resident. The bank on such notification should convert the pensioner’s resident bank account to a non- resident bank account (NRO). Once a year in the month of November, the pensioner has to furnish the life certificate issued by an authorized official of the Embassy/High Commission of India or Consul of Indian Consulates or a Notary Public or an Officer of an Indian Authorized Bank [for example SBI bank abroad] This is a simple procedure and Indian consulates abroad usually require a short visit by the pensioner to attest this type of document. Depending on the type of pension being received, as per the pensions prescribed scheme other certificates may be required. Check your pension plan to see if any additional certificates are also required. Generally they would be the same documents that a pension in India would also have to periodically submit. [For instance non- employment/re-employment certificate, Re- marriage/Marriage certificate] Pensioners bank branch should credit the amount of pension due every month to the Non-resident Ordinary Account (NRO) of the pensioner. Pension credited to a pensioner’s NRO bank account may be remitted by the bank to pensioner outside India on their instructions. By debit from their NRO bank account or credit to their NRE bank account. In the event a non-resident pensioner acquires foreign citizenship, their entitlement to pension is generally not affected and should continue to receive their pension benefit. [Source:] An excerpt from RBI circular No.26 dated September 28, 2002 is provided below: It is, therefore, clarified that such NRIs/PIOs who do not maintain NRO Account and have no taxable income in India need not submit a Chartered Accountant’s certificate for remitting their current income like dividend, rent, pension, interest etc. In such cases Authorised Dealers may obtain a simple declaration, in duplicate, from the NRIs/PIOs to the effect that he/she is not a tax payer in India. The Authorised Dealer may retain such declaration with them for future reference from Income Tax Authorities, if any.