Q.796 All Residents of India can get Aadhaar Regardless of Citizenship

Question: Dear Sir/Madam, I am a Portuguese passport holder and have an OCI. I read on your website that OCI can apply for an aadhar card but I am unable to find this information on the official uid website. Also I called the helpline number and they also told me that OCI cannot apply but I was still unsure because I had to explain to the gentlemen what OCI is exactly. The reason why I ask is I do not want to go to the enrollment centers and waste my time. The only reason why I am interested in getting an Aadhar card in the first place is because the Employee Provident Fund people have made it mandatory to update an Aadhar card for any withdrawal or transfer of funds. I am current working for Indigo Airlines and have an amount deducted every month towards EPF. Would appreciate to inputs on this. Thank you. Regards Wayne Dcosta Answer: Aadhaar card is for all RESIDENTS of India regardless of their citizenship. Having OCI has nothing to do with Aadhaar card eligibility. OCI not living in India is not eligible where as OCI living in India is eligible. [Please note that visiting India for a short duration does not refer to living in India] Perhaps the person who you spoke to did not understand your status in India. Let them know that you are living and working in India and as a resident of India need Aadhaar Card. Not many people are aware of what OCI is. I did try to get on the official Aadhaar card website to send you a link but their servers are down. Their website address is: https://uidai.gov.in/

Fake Aadhaar Card Websites

Readers are urged to be aware that there are a lot of fake websites trying to give the impression of being official websites. Many people are being fooled into sending personal information and perhaps money to such sites. When visiting official websites related to government services do check the website address. Identifying Government Official websites: Check the website address it should end with gov.in If you see a website where ads pop-up when your mouse moves over a word, then the chances are its not a official government website. Check the Whois Record of the website. This shows who registered the website Fake Aadhaar cards being issued in India has been reported in many Indian newspapers lately. Before sending your private information do check who you are dealing with. NRIs being non-resident in India are an ideal target for such schemes and should exercise care before disclosing person information or sending documents.
Disclaimer: Information provided is for general knowledge only and should not be deemed to be professional advice. For professional advice kindly consult a professional accountant, immigration advisor or the Indian consulate. Rules and regulations do change from time to time. Please note that in case of any variation between what has been stated on this website and the relevant Act, Rules, Regulations, Policy Statements etc. the latter shall prevail. © Copyright 2006 Nriinformation.com
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Informing educating and connecting Indians across the globe
Disclaimer: Information provided is for general knowledge only and should not be deemed to be professional advice. For professional advice kindly consult a professional accountant, immigration advisor or the Indian consulate. Rules and regulations do change from time to time. Please note that in case of any variation between what has been stated on this website and the relevant Act, Rules, Regulations, Policy Statements etc. the latter shall prevail. © Copyright 2006 Nriinformation.com
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Q.796 All Residents of India can

get Aadhaar Regardless of


Question: Dear Sir/Madam, I am a Portuguese passport holder and have an OCI. I read on your website that OCI can apply for an aadhar card but I am unable to find this information on the official uid website. Also I called the helpline number and they also told me that OCI cannot apply but I was still unsure because I had to explain to the gentlemen what OCI is exactly. The reason why I ask is I do not want to go to the enrollment centers and waste my time. The only reason why I am interested in getting an Aadhar card in the first place is because the Employee Provident Fund people have made it mandatory to update an Aadhar card for any withdrawal or transfer of funds. I am current working for Indigo Airlines and have an amount deducted every month towards EPF. Would appreciate to inputs on this. Thank you. Regards Wayne Dcosta Answer: Aadhaar card is for all RESIDENTS of India regardless of their citizenship. Having OCI has nothing to do with Aadhaar card eligibility. OCI not living in India is not eligible where as OCI living in India is eligible. [Please note that visiting India for a short duration does not refer to living in India] Perhaps the person who you spoke to did not understand your status in India. Let them know that you are living and working in India and as a resident of India need Aadhaar Card. Not many people are aware of what OCI is. I did try to get on the official Aadhaar card website to send you a link but their servers are down. Their website address is: https://uidai.gov.in/

Fake Aadhaar Card Websites

Readers are urged to be aware that there are a lot of fake websites trying to give the impression of being official websites. Many people are being fooled into sending personal information and perhaps money to such sites. When visiting official websites related to government services do check the website address. Identifying Government Official websites: Check the website address it should end with gov.in If you see a website where ads pop-up when your mouse moves over a word, then the chances are its not a official government website. Check the Whois Record of the website. This shows who registered the website Fake Aadhaar cards being issued in India has been reported in many Indian newspapers lately. Before sending your private information do check who you are dealing with. NRIs being non-resident in India are an ideal target for such schemes and should exercise care before disclosing person information or sending documents.
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